Monday, August 29, 2011

2 years ago yesterday

Two years ago yesterday I had vision correction (aka Lasik). I can't believe it's been 2 years, but one of the very best decisions I've made. I love my crystal clear vision. I love not having to put my contacts in or wear my glasses. I love that I don't have to buy any solutions or even think of taking anything out right before I pass out in my bed. Oh so nice!!

Wow, with this post it's like I'm a whole new person. I really like this new person more than the one I used to be. I was fatter and four eyes. But it's a new time and a new me. I need to post pics and I'm sorry I haven't lately. I also need to post pics of my quilts that are done and the ones I'm planning on starting. I'm a slacker, you can punch me now. I'll do it soon, I promise or I owe you all cookies or banana bread, or something equally as yummy!

1 comment:

The Stark Bunch said...

Hey there.... Just wanted to say hi! I'm stopping by! David LOVES his Lasik.. he's only had his one year this Thanksgiving, but he doesn't regret it either. That's awesome!